How Does 'from __future__ import ...' Work in Python?

A few days ago I learned that from __future__ import barry_as_FLUFL allows you to use the <> operator again for inequality in Python 3.3:

>>> 3 <> 4
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    3 <> 4
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> from __future__ import barry_as_FLUFL
>>> 3 <> 4

PEP 401 details the history behind this import.

Those familiar with Python will know that the __future__ module is used to make functionality available in the current version of Python even though it will only be officially introduced in a future version.

For example, from __future__ import with_statement allows you to use the with statement in Python 2.5 but it is part of the language as of Python 2.6.

The syntax from module import function generally means that the function from the specified module is made available in the current scope and that it can be called.

But the earlier examples demonstrate that importing can also make new operators or keywords available. This poses the question of how this module actually works as it is somehow different from a normal import: Python does not allow anyone to implement new operators or keywords so how can we import them from a seemingly normal module __future__?

How does it work?

Let's have a look at the source of the future module. It turns out that anything you can import from __future__ has been hardcoded into the language implementation. Each import is specified using a _Feature object that records the versions in which the new feature is available (using the import and officially without the import) and also a special compiler flag.

Calling repr() on the imported object also shows this:

>>> repr(barry_as_FLUFL)
"_Feature((3, 1, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 9, 0, 'alpha', 0), 262144)"

Each of these compiler flags is a constant that is also stored in compile.h. This won't tell us much as it merely defines the available imports from __future__.

So let's look at the actual code that analyses the code for future language features, which is in future.c. Most importantly this file defines a function called PyFuture_FromAST which analyses the code and builds a PyFutureFeatures object that records which imported functionality from __future__ is needed.

This is not a normal module

We can now see why, although similar in syntax, the __future__ module behaves differently from normal imports.

As the new operators and keywords need to be recognized when parsing the Python source code it is necessary for Python to be aware of the 'futuristic imports' at a lower level than at the level of regular imports.

The abbreviation AST that we saw in the name of PyFuture_FromAST refers to Abstract Syntax Tree and this is precisely the level at which Python needs to know which operators and keywords are available: a source file is analysed, converted into an Abstract Syntax Tree and this data structure is then converted into bytecode which can be executed.

I think this sums up why importing from __future__ is different from other modules. One can also envision a language where operators and keywords can be defined in the language itself and then a __future__ module would import those as any other function or object.

But Python is not such a language. As a result the new operators or keywords are baked into the implementation and they can be made available using a special __future__ module.

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