How to Mock Logging in Python
As you become familiar with software testing and unit testing it can be necessary to assure yourself that information will be logged when your software platform raises an exception or behaves unexpectedly.
In other words, you've developed a new feature and you want to make sure that certain calls to Python's logging module are performed in certain cirumstances.
That's where the mock module comes in:
it allows us to mock the Python logging module and assert that certain calls
are made. If you're using Python 3.3 (or higher) than you can import from the
module rather than installing mock
from PyPI.
Example of mocking in unit tests
Let's say our code looks like this:
import logging def check_value(data_dict, value): try: return data_dict[value] > 10 except KeyError: logging.warn("Data does not contain '%s'", value) return False
What we wish to test is that logging.warn
is called when the KeyError
is raised. So in our unit test we call check_value
with parameters in such
a way that the KeyError
is indeed raised. For example:
import unittest from my_module import check_value class MyUnitTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_check_value_logs_warning(self): check_value({}, 'key')
The idea behind mocking is as follows: instead of calling the real
function of the logging
module we call a fake mocked version and
that allows us to keep track of how many times the function is
called (if at all).
We can do that using the patch
function of the mock
library: this
specifies what we wish to mock and what the name of the mocked object should be.
We can now update our test by writing:
import unittest from mock import patch from my_module import check_value class MyUnitTest(unittest.TestCase): @patch('my_module.logging') def test_check_value_logs_warning(self, mock_logging): check_value({}, 'key') self.assertTrue(mock_logging.warn.called) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
This unit test passes as the assertion is indeed true. If you modify the code in a way that it no longer logs a warning then you'll find that the assertion in the unit test fails.